Monday 15 April 2013


Module Aims

  • To develop knowledge and understanding of the social, theoretical, economic, political and disciplinary specific historical and contemporary contexts which effect art, design and media
  • To develop knowledge of different approaches and perspectives in the interpretation of art, design and media
  • To develop skills of research in the study of art, design and media practices
  • To develop written and verbal communication skills

Assessed Learning Outcomes

  •  Identify and demonstrate an understanding of the social, political, economic and historical contexts that affect the practice, production and consumption of art, design and media.
  •  With guidance, begin to apply an appropriate theoretical approach to the study and interpretation of art, design and media.
  •  Investigate a range of art, design media practices; Analysing basic research methods and employing standard academic conventions.
  • Demonstrate written and verbal communication skills.

What is the point?

‘The purpose of critical, contextual and cultural
studies is to provide insight into a number of
concepts to enable you to apply them to your
work and gain greater understanding of your
area of practice’

Mann, S (2011; p154)


‘Critical means to explore a subject area, its practitioners and practices, and to question the ideas, methods and approaches.’

Mann, S (2011; p154)


‘Cultural means the ideas and thinking commonly held about the subject area and its medium, its conventions and purpose.’

Mann, S (2011; p154) 


‘Contextual means to consider the time and context or setting in which a work is made, be it a film, painting or design.’

Mann, S (2011; p154)

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